giovedì 8 settembre 2005

let me die in my footsteps

Stasera ho visto The atomic cafè

Non poteva non venirmi in mente questa canzone. Naturalmente è sempre di Bob.

I will not go down under te ground

'Cause somebody tells me that death's coming 'round

And I will not carry myself down to die

When I go to my grave my head will be high

Let me die in my footsteps

Before I go down under the ground

There's been rumors of war and wars that have been

The meaning of life has been lost in the wind

And some people thinking that the end is close by

'Stead of learning to live they are learning to die

Let me die in my footsteps

Before I go down under the ground.

I don't know if I'm smart but I think I can see

When someone is pulling the wool over me

And if this war comes and death's all around

Let me die on this land 'fore I die underground

Let me die in my footsteps

Before I go down under the ground

There's always been people that have to cause fear

They've been talking about a war now for many long years

I have read all last statement and I've not said a word

But now, Lord God, let my poor voice be heard

Let me die in my footsteps

Before I go down under the ground.

Let me drink from the water where the mountain streams flow

Let the smell of wild flowers flow free through my blood

Let me sleep in your meadow with the green grass and leaves

Let me walk down the highway with my brother in peace

Let me die in my footsteps

Before I go down under the ground.

Go out in your country where the land meets the sun

See the craters and the canyons and where the waterfalls run

Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho

Let the state of this Union see deep down in your soul

And you'll die in your footsteps

Before you go down under the ground.



2 commenti:

  1. che bellissimi ricordi che fai rinascere.. la ila che attacca l'ipod all'autoradio, sulla strada del lago, e mi spiega questa canzone, canticchiandola così dolcemente.. :°)

  2. già.. mi ricordo perfettamente! infatti mi sei venuta in mente tu.

    ed è incredibile quanto questa canzone abbia accompagnato tutto il film, pur non essendo nella colonna sonora.
